International CERT

Here, the Center of Education, Research and Transfer informs about relevant topics for the international High-Tech-Service and Solution Business. Internal discussions of our internationat AFSMI Chapters and the CFSMI together with some external information will be presented. For questions and comments, please feel free to contact

Overview of the events

Germany, Bonn, May 30th 2012EPISIS-Broschure is available

Service Innovation in Europe - Good Practice, Methods & Tools for SME published by Project Management Organization at the German Arerospace Center, Bonn

Spain, Barcelona, February 2nd, 2010. Service Expert Workshop

Service Expert Workshop at Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona in Spain - Service Education and Research initiative in Germany

Germany, Wiesbaden, October 30th, 2009 AFSMI invests in Future Service Management

Process partnering, keeping smart shoppers, leveraging the business potential of remote services technology, and strengthening the business management capabilities of service organizations are key convergent priorities of executives and senior managers in service organizations

USA, Fort Myers, August 1st, 2001. AFSMI defined a first curriculum for Service Management Education.

It served as basis for certification programs of course of studies in Germany and France.

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