97. Customer Success Management

HPE / Microfcous, Böblingen

Conference took place already.



Für angemeldete Mitglieder stehen möglicherweise zusätzliche Dateien zur Verfügung.

Digitalization creates new business and growth opportunities in High-Tech Services. Profitable growth of those new services depend on a New Focus on Customer Success and Customer Experience Management. International experts present and discuss these huge opportunities with the audience. During the Chapter Meeting there is time to network and build new important connections.

For further information see the download file.

97. Chapter Meeting

15.11. 12:00
CERT - Meeting

16.11 15:00
AFSMI German Chapter e.V. General Assembly (guests welcome)

15.11. 16:30
Chapter Meeting - Main Event - Day One

15.11 21:00
Networking with finger food

16.11. 08:00
Chapter Meeting - Main Event - Day Two

16.11. 17:00
End of event

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